"Very well! You really have backbone. I have given you a chance to live. Since you don’t choose, I will send you to a dead end! " Mouth, then zombie Fu Shan’s right hand stretched out again, vanity gently hold, a burst of roar, a huge vortex was formed under its palm.

Immediately, the disciple of the immortal sword Sect felt that his heart was shaking and he was fascinated. He wanted to persist, but there was nothing he could do. In a flash, he was lost in the mud pill palace…

It’s floating casually in the sky …

Only two figures are still there. One is Xiao Jun. The other is the former leading white man. While the latter is struggling by the former one-handed bogen force at the moment. The other guy has already become the blood…

"hmm!" Zhang Xiaotian light nodded his head. Some can’t figure out the intentions of these two princesses.

"giggle! Since you are friends of our sister, you are friends of our ghosts! Welcome to the sea of the underworld. My name is Youyou, and this is my second sister next to me. My name is Yingying! " Walk…

"Well, from today on, you are my maid. The battleship lost some warships to yaoyao, and she was responsible for managing the warships." The second half of the sentence was said to the air, and a pair of earrings appeared in the hands of yaoyao, and yaoyao’s imprisoned body was also solved

"Gong Yaoyao will try his best to serve you later. Please leave my master alone!" Yaoyao to wu day short body after a ceremony said again. "Of course, find yourself a room on the third floor. I’ll go back to…

The bodies of two monster beasts collapsed to the ground. Just now, Jin Yao’s sword awn directly ran through their heads and opened a blood hole between the eyebrows.

"Hey!" At the same time, the deafening roar pierced the night sky, dozens of dark shadows rushed out quickly, and a fierce and violent breath came head-on. The overwhelming dark shadows surrounded these disciples of Yaohai Sect. "poof!" At the…

The emperor controls the sword!

The nine-handle Xuanjian suddenly bloomed with bright light. Wufeng corners of the mouth become warped peep out one silk contemptuous smile force cast tiger evil spirit Geng Jin firm but gentle storm Yun Fan. Still regard Yun Fan’s upcoming attack…

Chapter one hundred and nine Humble cry of teasing

Wang Guang sneered in the back when the practitioners of Gale Sect fled wildly. When those people hit the black smoke barrier, this fellow had already noticed it, just to display the follow-up means and ignored them. By the time…

There are no superfluous words. As the auctioneer shouted out the reserve price, the price in Tianhe Hotel increased, and the atmosphere in Tianhe Hotel became lively.

When an item is auctioned off, a safe will be hit one by one with the safe, and the items inside are rarer than one. The person who photographed the object went to the lobby on the first floor with…

Ten years of sword refining seems like a long time, but if Tianxin’s refining ability can’t soar in these ten years, it is still very difficult to complete the expected purple iron sword.

For this reason, Tianxin finally decided that the biggest illusion form of purple iron sword was the body of 100,000 light years. The minimum illusion form is determined as the three-foot sword body, that is, the constant state. The shaping…

As the saying goes, a drink and a peck are all leading edges. Sun Hao is concise and peerless, and the sword school is prosperous because of Sun Hao, and it is difficult because of Sun Hao.

There are three most influential figures in the history of Lingtian Sword School. One is to send the sword ancestor to be devoted to the sword, which means "devoted to waiting for you" Second, the third time, the first virtual…