"Well, from today on, you are my maid. The battleship lost some warships to yaoyao, and she was responsible for managing the warships." The second half of the sentence was said to the air, and a pair of earrings appeared in the hands of yaoyao, and yaoyao’s imprisoned body was also solved

"Gong Yaoyao will try his best to serve you later. Please leave my master alone!" Yaoyao to wu day short body after a ceremony said again. "Of course, find yourself a room on the third floor. I’ll go back to…

The bodies of two monster beasts collapsed to the ground. Just now, Jin Yao’s sword awn directly ran through their heads and opened a blood hole between the eyebrows.

"Hey!" At the same time, the deafening roar pierced the night sky, dozens of dark shadows rushed out quickly, and a fierce and violent breath came head-on. The overwhelming dark shadows surrounded these disciples of Yaohai Sect. "poof!" At the…

The emperor controls the sword!

The nine-handle Xuanjian suddenly bloomed with bright light. Wufeng corners of the mouth become warped peep out one silk contemptuous smile force cast tiger evil spirit Geng Jin firm but gentle storm Yun Fan. Still regard Yun Fan’s upcoming attack…

Things have developed to this point, and it is absolutely impossible for me to die regardless of you.

In the bald head, the double knives split over and instantly Alex didn’t hide or flash, but changed a biochemical shield to stand in front of him. "bang!" Like a collision of gold and iron Bald-headed double-edged sword is continuous,…

However, they should not put their own efforts into exposing themselves prematurely.

Then the best candidate It can also be Isoriel, right An Isoriel That’s enough. To be continued. Ps, alas, I can watch again. Everybody don’t hit me. Page 215 is on this side. the ninth day It seems to have…

———— Chapter III White II Chapter VII Spatial superposition "Master, I also went to help!" Guang Chengzi was busy saying that he chose not to ask about the quirks of Chu Yanqi. He was just a slave and his master’s…

Because the speed of Hastings is too abnormal, it is too fast to reflect the power of order in time. This also shows that what Qin Chu needs most at present is to evolve its own law power into a field, otherwise, it will only be beaten when it meets Hastings. There is a field and there is no field, which is the difference between heaven and earth.

The flash of Haitings made all Qin Chu’s attacks fall into an empty place instantly. Unless Qin Chu can firmly lock Haitings and chase Shanghai Hastings, it is possible to attack him. "Let you see, how big is the gap…

Hidden dragon members go behind Jianghan one by one, like this, they can lend their own strength to Jianghan.

"Let’s share weal and woe," someone said. "Let’s share weal and woe" All the people said Jiang Han stared at Qin Mufeng with burning eyes. He knew that these hidden dragons were talking about themselves, but in fact they were…

At this moment, the man who caught lujun’s eye was none other than Lu Fu’s real master and the culprit that led to all this.

"Handsome son …" It’s like just waking up from a dream. Lu Jia’s master is confused and looks at lujun who is tied up. "I … what’s the matter?" Trembling, raising his hands, Master Lujia just wanted to stretch out…

In the second game, the fighting skill began …

The fighting is still so fierce … To the surprise of many people. Few people expected it. The Qianqiu Sect lost three hundred slaves of the Ghost King. Destroy the Tianya Mountain team completely. "If I had known, I would…